Artist Talk With Winspear Stage Curtain Designer Guillermo Kuitca
Artist Guillermo Kuitca will join Noah Simblist, Associate Professor of Art at SMU, and Charles Wylie, the Lupe Murchison Curator of Contemporary Art, for a discussion of his work.
Artist Talk: A Conversation with Guillermo Kuitca
Free, October 21st, 6:30pm
Crum Auditorium – SMU
Collins Executive Education Center
3150 Binkley Ave.
Dallas, TX, 75205
Get Directions
Call 214-922-1826 or e-mail [email protected] to reserve your seat.
Who is Guillermo Kuitca?
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Guillermo Kuitca is one of the most important Latin American artists working today. His work finds inspiration in the realms of architecture, theater, and cartography. Kuitca’s work has been featured in major solo and group exhibitions throughout the world and is held in several major international collections, including New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), the Tate Modern in London, and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina SofÃa in Madrid.
Mr. Kuitca is also the designer of the Winspear Opera House permanent stage curtain that was done in collaboration with the center’s architects, Foster & Partners.

A computer rendering of Guillermo Kuitca’s curtain for the Margot and Bill Winspear Opera House in Dallas.
The New York Times ran an article about the Kuitca’s stage curtain, A Curtain As Ambitious As Its Stage, on October 4th. Here is an excerpt talking about how the curtain was made:
“Once Mr. Kuitca had finally settled on a design, creating the Dallas curtain took about five months, according to Jennifer Tankleff, a vice president at I. Weiss & Sons, a theater-rigging and stage-curtain company in Long Island City, in Queens. With a Photoshop image directing the exact placement and hue of the colors, the two velour panels, which started out white, were rolled through a 40-foot inkjet printer. Once the chocolate background and the red and gold details were sprayed on, the panels were laid out to dry. The satin gold appliqué, the final touch, was applied using a detail provided by Mr. Kuitca.”
A selection of Mr. Kuitca’s work can be seen on display at the Dallas Museum of Art during the exhibition “Performance/Art.” The exhibit is on display through March 21, 2010.
Artist Talk: A Conversation with Guillermo Kuitca
October 21st, 6:30pm
Crum Auditorium – SMU
Collins Executive Education Center
3150 Binkley Ave.
Dallas, TX, 75205
Get Directions
Convenient visitor parking is available directly across Binkley Avenue from the Collins Executive Education Center. Valet parking will be available as well.
Call 214-922-1826 or e-mail [email protected] to reserve your seat.
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