Five Crowdfunding Campaigns On Our Radar

There are so many untouched, half-baked and unrealized ideas out there. For an idea to become a reality, it takes a passionate person or team, an executable plan and a bit of funding, and the most common way to raise funds has been through trusty friends and family. Rarely would you find a random person ready […]
An Artistic Rendering of Dallas Neighborhoods

I first saw the map of Dallas neighborhoods at AIGA DFW’s GOOD Ideas For Cities presentation at Lakewood Theater back in June. The silkscreen printed map had been donated for the event and propped up on a table for people to view. It was obvious that someone had spent a considerable amount of time on this map. You don’t take on a project like this without having a serious passion for the city. I had to meet the guy behind this map.
Freshen up your home
If you’re striving for a pleasant smell at home, you have a lot of choices. You can get a bottle that smells like a barber shop. Or you can smell like a house or office. Whatever it is, you should know what the difference is between an air freshener and a fragrance for house smell. […]
I Live in Dallas Nominated in 2012 Best of Big D: Readers’ Choice Poll for “Best Dallas Blog”

This is our first year to be nominated by the editors at D Magazine for Best of Big D, and we are thrilled and humbled to have been selected!
Interview with Walk the Light Arts Festival Founder, Laura Allen

The Walk the Light Arts Festival is only a day away and Founder, Laura Allen, was gracious enough to take the time to answer a few questions about the festival and organization for For those interested in attending the arts festival on Saturday at Life in Deep Ellum, I’ve posted the information for you at the bottom of the interview.
DMA’s State of the Arts Series, Season Two

The State of the Arts kicks off its second season at the Dallas Museum of Art. Each night introduces a pair of community art leaders to the stage. From artists to music directors representing organizations like the Dallas Film Society and the Art Council for the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, the second season of the State of the Arts will leave you feeling proud to be living in a city that is booming with art and culture.
A Night of Storytelling at Nouveau 47 Theatre

Storytelling is everywhere – it’s something we all have in common. We tell stories to educate, entertain or to connect with others; some stories we create on the fly and others are handed down from generation to generation. There are countless moments in our lives that make us laugh or cry and a few of those moments become the stories we love to share with people. I just love a good story – which is why I’m really excited about the upcoming event on Monday at the Nouveau Theater in Fair Park.
Eventbrite DFW and La Mode Dallas Present: Art Party- Life as Canvas

There’s an Art Party in Deep Ellum this Thursday night where art meets fashion. See some of the best fashion designers, makeup & hair artists, and visual artists in the Metroplex. It’s been said this is going to be one of the biggest and most creative parties of the year…. I guess we’ll have to show up to find out!
Best Week in Dallas

The week of October 11th is Idea Week and it’s chock full of events to get you thinking and collaborating with others about great ideas!
Idea Week’s mission is to showcase the interesting and innovative conversations happening throughout Dallas. This grassroots movement is centered around the community and our ideas. Every day for 7 days there are at least 3 events scheduled. There’s really something for everybody – kids, students, professionals, artists, entrepreneurs and thinkers. Thirty events are scheduled all over the city and over 22 of them are free to attend.
Ticket Release Dates for Free Night of Theater

Want free tickets to the theater? The Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs has partnered for its third year with Theater Communications Group to bring you a Free Night of Theater during the month of October. Over 20 theaters in Dallas are releasing 2,000 tickets to shows and performances.