INTERVIEW: 7 Questions With Smallville’s Kristin Kreuk

In a world that is now bombarded by superhero epics and spin off series, many fans still hold Smallville among the elite. The television series, which first aired in 2001, followed Clark Kent’s teenage ascent to becoming Superman. Smallville was arguably one of the first shows to deviate from the mainstream stories of the established superheroes. Instead of getting iconic heroes in spandex, the audience was able to get a much more in-depth understanding of what molded the Man of Steel and his adversaries.
Kristin Kreuk, known on screen as Clark’s love interest Lana Lang, was among those first cast in the series. Kristin spent eight seasons with the show before making her departure. While many fans may be torn about the character, nobody can deny that Kristin was an essential component to establishing the show. The love story between Lana and Clark fueled the plot for a majority of the show’s run. Fans were able to see her character transition from the most popular cheerleader in school to a lethal heroine.
This weekend, Kristin will be appearing at Fan Expo Dallas alongside several of her Smallville costars. We were lucky enough to get a few words with her before she arrives here in DFW.
Lana’s story line wrapped up in season 8. What do you imagine became of the character after her departure?
I imagine that she took her powers and did as much good as possible with them. She probably still loves Clark and hasn’t made relationship the most important thing in her life. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had adopted a child who she loves fiercely.
Lana was the classic popular cheerleader type in high school. What were you like in school?
I was definitely NOT popular or a cheerleader… We didn’t have the same social groups in my high school as I see portrayed on American television; academics were important, and sports and jock-culture were not present at the top of the social hierarchy. I was shy and insecure, overly righteous in the way that only very young people are capable of being, I earnestly loved learning, and got immense joy from my drama class. As it is for most people, high school was painful and something I was glad to leave behind.
Did you ever go back and watch the rest of the Smallvilleseries after you left it? Fans (and even people on the show) have expressed their disappointment of the direction the show took after Lana and Lex’s departure. What are your thoughts on it?
I admit, I never watched a single episode after I left… I think that it is incredibly challenging to write 21-23 hour-long episodes a season. I cannot imagine how challenging it would be to do that for a decade. Also, the tension between Clark and Lex was a part of the structural foundation of the show. The comparison between their respective circumstances and choices on the journey toward superhero and supervillain was one of the most driving aspects of the series and losing that must have changed the engine of the show drastically.
Did you keep any items from the set? If so, what?
I did! I have my vampire teeth and the de-krypotonited, kryptonite necklace.
What powers would you hope to gain if we had a meteor shower like in the show?
I always think that I would just like to fly. I know it is boring and selfish power, but I think it would just be so much fun.
You spent seven seasons on the show, what moment during that time do you remember the most?
Many of those first years were a blur of terror and uncertainty, so I don’t remember them very well. Ha. But I remember working with David Nutter because I felt so safe and cared for. I remember all the times I was really cold—in the river in early spring and all the various times I was prone on wet concrete. I remember one day in those early seasons when I got to rip across a field on horseback with the camera in a helicopter. And I remember reading Clark and Lana’s goodbye scene and just crying and crying.
You have recently done voiceover work for a video game and acted in Burden of Truth. What can we expect next from you?
I start the new season of Burden of Truth in the summer. I am also an Executive Producer on a documentary that is currently being completed about Phoolan Devi. Other than that, I am reading, gardening, and working on getting the bachelor’s degree I never got because I started working at 17.
Kristin will be in attendance this Saturday and Sunday at Fan Expo Dallas 2019. Fan Expo Dallas is DFW’s largest, entertainment convention. You can find more information, the complete guest list, schedule, and tickets at