Mike Merrill, Author at I Live In Dallas

Mike Merrill has leveraged his more than 12 years of sales and marketing experience to become a business leader, community builder, speaker and author focused on social media, online marketing and advertising for local businesses. Recognized by Fortune as a self-made social media master, Mike’s social media and marketing expertise makes him much in demand as a guest on Dallas television news and newspapers and as a writer for top tier marketing publications like MediaPost and iMedia Connection. During the day Mike is the Director of Marketing for ReachLocal. Mike volunteers as the Chairman of the Social Media Club of Dallas, a media association in-which he led a community wide effort to raise $11,483.30 in seven days for the Red Cross to support the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami fund. Follow him on Twitter @MikeDMerrill

Volunteer in Dallas: Volunteer Center of North Texas Offers 2,500 Opportunities to Give Back

Volunteer in Dallas: Volunteer Center of North Texas Offers 2,500 Opportunities to Give Back

As a resident of the Dallas area you should take pride in living in such a growing city with a solid economy. One powerful way to feel grateful for your current situation is to help others through volunteering. Often times by helping others you develop a stronger sense of self worth and confidence. Earlier this […]